Bulletin - IP Updates

Weekly Design Update (July 2021)

CHANGE: Hague System: New Designation Available – Belarus


Belarus is now a member of the Hague System. As of July 19, 2021, Hague System users can seek design protection in Belarus in an international application.


What does this mean for you? By filing just one international application – covering as many as 100 designs, with one set of fees – you may now obtain international protection of your designs in 92 countries (or export markets).


Belarus is the 66th contracting party to the Geneva Act (1999) of the Hague Agreement and the 75th member of the Hague Union.


In brief


International registrations that designate Belarus are renewable twice, guaranteeing up to 15 years of international design protection in Belarus. Designation fees are as follows:

  • 60 Swiss francs for one design;
  • 20 Swiss francs for each additional design included in the same international application.


More about declarations of new Hague System member, Belarus.”

JURISDICTION: European Union
CHANGE: EUIPO and EURADA sign a collaboration agreement


The EUIPO and the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) have signed a collaboration agreement to encourage activities and promote services that support small businesses.


The agreement covers activities such as training in intellectual property, knowledge sharing, participation in events and awareness raising.


This collaboration is part of the EUIPO’s push to support EU businesses in developing their IP strategies and protecting their IP rights in the context of the Ideas Powered for Business initiative. This initiative, which is hosted in the EUIPO site, provides tailored guidance to companies, vouchers for IP registration , as well as dispute resolution services.




The EUIPO is the European agency responsible for managing the EU trade mark and the registered Community design which are valid in all EU Member States.


EURADA facilitates cooperation among regional economic development practitioners and represents development agencies before the European Union institutions.”

JURISDICTION: United Kingdom
CHANGE: UK IPO’s warning about priority filings


Just ten weeks remain until the filing deadline for UK priority applications based on rights that were pending at the EUIPO on 1st January 2021.


The Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO) is warning that, if too many design and trade mark rights holders leave it until the end of September to file, they will experience delays in receiving examination reports.


If you had a pending right at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) on 1st January 2021, you can file an equivalent UK right at the UK IPO and claim the earlier filing date of the EU right. The deadline for making these applications is 30th September 2021.


The UK IPO is urging holders of such rights to file these applications as soon as possible. This will allow the office to examine cases in a timely manner and will help effectively manage the workload.


If a majority of rights holders wait until the end of the period to file these cases, it could increase the timeframe for the issuing of all examination reports.


The process


Under Article 59 of the Withdrawal Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union, holders of EU Trade Marks and Registered Community Designs that were pending on 1st January 2021 can file for a UK right and claim the earlier filing date of the EU trade mark or design.


Holders can:

  • Apply to register the same right as a UK right within nine months after the end of the transition period, this being up to and including 30th September 2021
  • Claim the earlier filing date of the pending right
  • Claim any valid international priority you had on the pending EU application, along with any UK seniority claims recorded against it


If holders apply to register a pending right as a UK trade mark, the application must:

  • Relate to the same trade mark that was the subject of the EU right application
  • Seek protection in respect of goods and services that are identical to, or contained within, the corresponding EU application


If the details of the application do not match those of the corresponding EU application, it will not be possible to claim the earlier EU filing or priority dates.


By submitting the application within nine months after the end of the transition period, the UK IPO will then:

  • Treat the pending EU application as a UK application
  • Examine it under UK law


The usual UK fees apply.


Click here for more information

IMPLEMENTATION DATE: 30 September 2021
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